2020 –March Playdate
Sixteen Piano Buddies celebrated an early St Patrick's Day as we shared an afternoon of music and fellowship at our Piano Playdate on March 15.
We thank our hosts, Leslie and Cliff and Joan, for preparing the delicious meal, and for following recommended guidelines for COVID-19. They sanitized the piano keyboard after each buddy played, and had sanitizer available in each room as well. The buddies, hard as it was, refrained from hugging, and instead “bumped elbows” to keep a social distance.
The Buddies who attended were: Amy, Ann, Cliff, David, Della, Joan, Laurie, Leslie, Paul, Ricky, Sam, Zi Zi, and next-door buddies Joel, Christina, Anthony, and piano-buddy-daughter Jay Lynn.
Sixteen Piano Buddies celebrated an early St Patrick's Day as we shared an afternoon of music and fellowship at our Piano Playdate on March 15.
We thank our hosts, Leslie and Cliff and Joan, for preparing the delicious meal, and for following recommended guidelines for COVID-19. They sanitized the piano keyboard after each buddy played, and had sanitizer available in each room as well. The buddies, hard as it was, refrained from hugging, and instead “bumped elbows” to keep a social distance.
The Buddies who attended were: Amy, Ann, Cliff, David, Della, Joan, Laurie, Leslie, Paul, Ricky, Sam, Zi Zi, and next-door buddies Joel, Christina, Anthony, and piano-buddy-daughter Jay Lynn.